Our sponsors
As a not-for-profit organisation, Cider Australia relies on the support of its many sponsors. We greatly value their contribution to the cider industry in Australia.

Lallemand / Winequip
AusCider 2022 Conference Sponsors
Lallemand, a family owned company, has been an integral part of worldwide fermentation since the 1920’s. Lallemand Oenology, through its dedicated R&D team has developed a range of yeast, bacteria, nutrients and protectors for yeast and bacteria, and specific inactivated yeasts, for their contribution to the quality of wine and cider.
Through its international network, biotechnology expertise and on-going fundamental and applied research, Lallemand not only offers an extensive range of fermentation products, many of which are patented, as essential tools to improve cider and wine quality and to define cider and wine styles, but also cider & wine making strategies to the Australian Industry.
Distributed in Australia, by Lallemand Australia based in South Australia, and Winequip based in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.
Contact: Lallemand

Konvoy Kegs
AusCider 2022 Associate Conference Sponsor
On demand keg rental with flat rates, no scanning, and no fees.
Contact: 1800 KONVOY

Midland Insurance
AusCider 2022 Associate Conference Sponsor
Specialising in providing Australian breweries, cideries and distilleries with tailored, comprehensive and uncomplicated insurance cover.
Contact: Damien Lane or 1300 306 571

Awards Partner
A major provider of specialised warehousing, cold storage, transport and distribution services within Victoria.
Contact: Liquex

PalCare is a secure, encrypted, web-based patient information management system.
Contact: +61 3 9008 5970
Become a sponsor
Contact Cider Australia's Executive Officer for more information.
You can become an associate sponsor at any time throughout the year. This package includes a one year associate membership to Cider Australia and a listing in our supplier directory.