Australian cider industry upbeat about future prospects

26 Oct 2017

Cider producers from across Australia will gather in Melbourne this weekend to salute the winners of Australia’s largest and most prestigious cider show.

Industry peak body Cider Australia will host the 2017 Australian Cider Awards Dinner on Friday night at The Craft & Co in Collingwood.

Cider Australia President Sam Reid said the organisation is proud of its achievements over the past year and thankful to finally have clarity on its future and where it needs to focus its efforts.

“The sheer weight of activity in the cider sector is inspiring – Cider Australia is working with Wine Australia and the Winemakers’ Federation of Australia on the recently announced cider program under the Export and Regional Wine Support Package to accelerate cider export capabilities, and with levy body Horticulture Innovation Australia to implement a 100% Australian juice certification scheme for cider”, said Mr Reid.

“In addition, we feel we have now really landed the message with stakeholders at all levels of Government of the benefits that are gained by regional communities around Australia when consumers choose ciders made from Australian grown fruit”.

“We have taken the opportunity to postpone our annual cider festival this year and will instead convene a much needed Cider Industry Forum on Saturday 28th October.”

The Cider Industry Forum, to be held at The Malthouse Theatre in Southbank, is a full day of industry development activities aimed at continuing to step-change the quality of ciders produced in Australia.

“The Forum will conclude with the inaugural Australian Cider Awards Exhibitor Tasting, and event that allows entrants to the Awards to taste up to 250 ciders and learn and will help to improve the quality of ciders produced locally”, Mr Reid said.


The Full Program for the Cider Industry Forum is below.

For further information and media queries contact Cider Australia executive officer Jane Anderson at or 0434 559 759.


Cider Australia’s Cider Industry Forum
Saturday 28th October 2017
The Malthouse Theatre, Southbank VIC

Full Program

9.15am Welcome and introduction
9.30am General Meeting of Cider Australia (Cider Australia Members only)
– General business
10.10am Morning tea
10.40am   – Export and Regional Wine Support Package update
11.00am   – Cider R&D
11.20am   – WET reform update – Australian Taxation Office
12pm Lunch
1pm Cider Producers Forum – Quality assurance in cider: Product stability and sterility
2.30pm Australian Cider Awards Exhibitor Tasting (Awards entrants only)
4pm Close


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