Cider School is in!

25 Sep 2014

Bookings close tomorrow for Cider Australia Master Class

Fancy yourself a cider connoisseur? Simply a humble consumer who wants to learn more about the methods used to create your favourite tipple?

Then, Cider Australia’s judging master class in Melbourne is the place you need to be.

The event, to be held this Monday, September 29, at the Brunswick Street Cider House in Fitzroy, will be led by New Zealand expert Malcolm Reeves.

Mr Reeves is flying to Australia to be the guest international judge for the 2014 Australian Cider Awards – which have received a record number of entries from around the country.

He is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and passion for perry and cider with an Australian audience.

“The class will cover everything from international cider trends and judging methods to who won the grand final!” says Cider Australia president Sam Reid.

“This is an important precursor to the judging of the Awards, which will start the following day.”

The Master Class will run from 9.30am till noon and finish with a rustic ploughman’s lunch.

Tickets are just $40 including lunch.

But places are limited and bookings close tomorrow – to secure your place, please RSVP to by COB tomorrow.


  • Cider Australia Master Class: Monday, September 29th @ Brunswick Street Cider
    House in Fitzroy (bookings close TOMORROW!!!!).
  • Entries for the Australian Cider Awards have closed with a record number of
    Australian entries and 150 in total over 17 categories.
  • Judging of the awards will take place on September 30th and October 1st.
  • Winners will be celebrated at a special dinner on October 10th at The Kelvin Club,
    followed by the Australian Cider Festival on October 11th and 12th at Ormond Hall at
    The Village. For tickets to the dinner and festival go to

For more details or media enquiries, please contact Cider Australia executive officer Jane Anderson on 0434 559 759. You can also keep up to date with the latest news via twitter @cideraustralia

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